Emma & Jeremy & Maisie ~ Pre Wed Family Shoot in Hotham Park, Bognor Regis ~ West Sussex Wedding Photographer

I was just going to do a little sneaky peek photo on my facebook page from today’s pre wedding shoot at Hotham Park with Emma & Jeremy but I couldn’t decide which photo to post – one of just the two of them?  No that wouldn’t be right without their gorgeous little Maisie – I will have to watch out she doesn’t steal the show in February (note to self,  weddings are all about the bride and groom Nicki!!)…  but she is soooo cute and she now officially knows me by the title “funny lady”!!  We fed the squirrels & the ducks, jumped off a log, strolled about and chatted weddings and cycling and toddlers!  Can’t wait for your big day in February guys – not long to go now! 🙂  Hope you like the big peek – will edit the rest asap…!

If you’re getting married or just would like a family photo shoot please get in touch – enquiries@nfelthamphotography.co.uk or call 01243 587517…

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