I first met Fiona on the special care baby unit of St Richards – I spent 10 days there with our youngest son Seth and they were just nearing the end of 3 months with their gorgeous boy Freddie – their little miracle baby. I have so much to thank Fiona for, her support and care and understanding was invaluable to me. If I was napping and she was with Freddie she’d tell me what Seth had been up to and vice versa. SCBU can be a lonely place and Fiona made it that much more bearable for me… (thank you Fi xx) Soooo almost a year and half later I was chuffed to bits when she asked me for a photo shoot and was delighted to see her little man again! He’s so happy and bright and did I mention gorgeous?! Here are some of my favourites from their shoot and thank you to mum & dad for letting me share some on my blog… !
If you’d like a family shoot please get in touch – enquiries@nfelthamphotography.co.uk or call me 01243 587517.